I am starting to sound like a broken record, but where are those babies I held in my arms? What happened to all the noise and rough housing. Yes even with three girls there was rough housing. I can't remember how many couches they destroyed jumping on them. How did they all grow up with no broken bones?
Where is the silliness that never seemed to end. Or the fighting over who's turn it was to use the computer.
What happened to the weekly trips to town for piano, gym and library?
My first born. I can remember the day she was born-well actually I can't I was pretty drugged, but I remember the first time I gazed at her sweet little face and wondered; who is this little person? Who is she going to be. It was amazing to watch her grow. Her personality firmly in place the day she was born. She was determined, smart and beautiful. There was no prettier person on the earth than my dear little baby. None smarter! No other baby could compare.
By the time my second one came I had this mothering thing all figured out. (read here still didn't have a clue). She was my Tom boy, my explorer the one who hated school in the traditional sense, but loved learning if she could get her dirty little hands on it. Cattle were her passion. She loved anything having to do with them and spent her teen years with cows instead of boys. She was my shadow when out in the barn. The one who loved anything animal.
Oh my baby, my last. She could light up a room just walking into it. Everyone was her friend. She loved people. I used to worry that she would just go away some time with a stranger. She arranged secret signals with the librarian, because I had forbidden her to ask for candy. "Conny pease", I think was her first spoken words. She would ask everyone. Her other passion was old men. We used to tease that she collected grandpas. She never really knew her own so she adopted all the grandpas she could.
Her drum beats to a slightly different tune. Shooting sports and hunting in a family that doesn't hunt. Adventure, travel and people; she is ready to try anything at least once.
So where have they gone? Where is the noise, dirt and mess?
My precious babies have scattered to the wind to start their own families and find their own brand of adventure.
It time for me to embark on my own adventures.
More on that later.
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